"O God, You know that the only thing I want in this life is to be obedient to your command, even the living sight of my eyes is service at your court"
-Rabi'a al-Adawiyya
Becoming Women of God is an online adult learning programme, teaching women the absolute fundamentals of Islam. This course is still under development.
This course will cover three aspects of knowledge that is obligatory upon every Muslim woman.
The courses will be broken down into streams:
1. Islam : Islamic Practice (Fiqh)
2. Imān : Creed (Aqīdah)
3. Iḥsān : Spirituality (Ādāb)
4. Sīrah (The life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ )
What is covered?
Sīrah : The Life of the Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon Him)
Join Ustadha Nagebah Hayel for an intricate description of the life of the Prophet ﷺ, peace be upon him. Starting with the Makkan period.
Course Tutor
Sīrah - Prophetic Biography - Ustadha Nagebah Hayel
Dates and Timing (NEW TIMINGS)
October - July 2023/24
Mondays 8:00 - 9:00pm (UK TimeZone)
Course Cost
Free of charge: Thanks to our generous donors.
This course will require a level of seriousness from the student, punctual and regular attendance as well as basic revision between classes.
What is covered?
Islam : Islamic Practice (Fiqh)
Islamic fundamentals of practice according to the sacred law. The course is designed so that students learn the fundamental elements of practice.
Students can register for Hanafi, Māliki or Shāfa’i fiqh.
Course Tutors
Shafi Fiqh - Ustadha Nagebah Hayel
Hanafi Fiqh - Ustadha Rummana Shaheen
Maliki Fiqh - Ustadha Mona Elzankaly
Dates and Timing
Mondays 9:00-10:00 pm (UK Time Zone)
Term 2: 08/01/24 - 26/02/24
Term 3: 22/04/24 - 01/07/24
Course Cost
Free of charge: Thanks to our generous donors.
This course will require a level of seriousness from the student, punctual and regular attendance as well as basic revision between classes.
What is covered?
Ihsan : Spirituality (Ādāb)
A commentary of the moral bankruptcy of the post modern age
Classes are scheduled for evenings to give mothers a chance to put their children to sleep and then join the class.
Course Tutors
Term 2: Ustadha Nagebah Hayel (UK)
Term 3: Hana Pauls (UK)
Dates and Timing
Term 2: 02.02.24-01.03.24
Fridays 8-9pm (UK Time Zone)
Term 3: 26.04.24-28.06.24
Fridays 8-9.30pm (UK Time Zone)
Saturday: 8pm (SG Time)
Sunday: 8pm (EST Time)
Course Cost
This course will require a level of seriousness from the student, punctual and regular attendance as well as basic revision between classes.
Dar al-Zahra (UK)
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